Those interested in the question of the metamorphosis of our experience of anthroposophy after 100 years, will find some indications about it in connection with the centenary of the Waldorf impulse (1919-2019), in Lecture 11 below: The Global Initiation of Humanity and Education (Oslo 2006)


Table of Contents

Lecture 1. Spiritual Science and Contemporary Philosophy
in Dialogue (Colmar 2007) 

Lecture 2. An Esoteric History of the 20th Century (Järna 2004) 

Part 1: The World Situation at Present.

Part 2: Impulses of Resurrection.

Part 3: Counterfactual History 

Lecture 3. Changing Self Love into World Thinking (Orust 2012)

Lecture 4. The Incarnation of the Middle Stream and Vidar (Orust 2012) 

Lecture 5. Can We Become the Guardian Angels of our Brothers and Sisters? (Orust 2012) 

Lecture 6. The Working of the Christ in the Apocalyptic Conditions of the 20th and 21st Centuries (Utrecht 1997) 

Lecture 7. The Beast and the Reversal (Gothenburg 2009)

Lecture 8. The Christ Event of the 21st Century (Stuttgart 2012) 

Lecture 9. Israeli Civil Society and the Global Melting Pot (New York City 2002) 

Lecture 10. Israel in the Midst of the Clash of Civilizations (Munich 2004) 

Lecture 11. The Global Initiation of Humanity and Education (Oslo 2006) 

Lecture 12. The Transformation of Evil and the High Tor Archangel (New York City 2002) 

Lecture 13. High Tor Part 2: The Fallen Angels and the Alchemical Processes in Initiation (Saratoga Springs 2002) 

 With love, humor, and brilliant insight, Ben-Aharon addresses some of the most critical questions of our age, ranging from artificial intelligence and global politics to education and postmodern philosophy. Although tackling diverse subjects, this accessible anthology―delivered initially as lectures in locations as contrasting as New York, Oslo, and Munich―features a coherent inner rhythm. With his lively and intense presentation, the speaker invites us to share and participate in the creative process and the dynamic activity of incarnating new ideas―indeed, to awaken to the very Spirit of our Time.

 Ben-Aharon discusses his investigations into the spiritual event of the twenty-first century; the activities of spiritual beings in America, Central Europe, Scandinavia, and Israel; the renewal of education; the creative transformation of antisocial forces; Israel’s diverse culture in the midst of a clash of civilizations; the new Christ event and how it can break through our habitual patterns and our hardened thinking, feeling, and will; and the mission of the anthroposophic movement today.

 Informed throughout by decades of spiritual research and intimate experience, this volume contains mature and illuminating explorations into contemporary culture, history, and Spiritual Science.