In the previous blogs I described how The Philosophy of Freedom opens the way to the imaginative perception and cognition of the Etheric Christ, and the way through the transformation of feeling opens the etheric heart to experience His living presence in our midst. In the present I wish to describe how the strong, enthusiastic, Michaelic will opens the way to wake up and remember our life in the etheric world before the present incarnation, were since the 30’, 40’ and 50’ of last century we participated as co-creators and partners in the building of Christ’s new Earth, that we call the Earthly-Human Sun.


The path that can enable us to wake up, remember and actualize in our physical life on the earth this partnership, is open today to all human souls who honestly and enthusiastically seek it. Such souls seek most energetically to find an anthroposophical path that leads to the living center and foundation of the true school of Michael. This path is available today because the modern, naturally given initiation, the etheric Christ initiation, that was assimilated and spiritualized by modern spiritual science since 1975, has reached a certain stage of maturity, in which it can be transformed from an individual experience into a communal experience. What was actualized in a single human soul at the end of last century, becomes today a foundation of a new anthroposophical community and movement.

 I have often spoken and written about the new stage of development of this impulse in recent years, and it would be familiar to the serious readers of my blog and my books, Cognitive Yoga and Cognitive Yoga: How a book is born.

 In my recent lectures in the annual global meeting of the school of spiritual science, I could speak more directly about it than before, because I could express it in physical words, which I couldn’t articulate and speak externally before. I could feel how both within me and in the community as a whole, this new stage of greater maturity becomes real and actual. I felt as if my lips where liberated, and the stream of my voice could open up to my spiritual vision, breath it in and out, and express my spiritual perception, offering me words to described some aspects of these mysteries, that I could not speak about before.

 In these lectures I could begin to speak in a new way about the contents of my first book, published in 1993, The Spiritual Event of the 20thCentury: The Esoteric Meaning of the 12 years 1033-45 in the Light of Spiritual Science. I could speak about it now in such a way, because I experienced that my partners in the school are ready to confront the fact that they were actually active participants in this supersensible event. I knew this naturally for many years, but I could not speak about it with them in this way. Now, something seemed to make this possible. When I investigated this, I realized that we begin to share together a new life-body and presence among us. This new life-body made this new communication possible for the first time. It had to grow in the last 10 years through dedicated work and had to be cultivated very carefully from the very basic foundations of spiritual science. Now this communal life body reached a new stage of maturity, similar to the stage that the child reaches when his etheric body is released from the physical body around the 7thyear of life, and one could feel that it becomes free and active spiritually, and can be raised to much clearer consciousness then was possible before.

 One could therefore say: dear friends! We can actually wake ourselves up actively now, during our physical life, consciousness and bodies, and awaken in our souls the living presence of these mighty, shattering, world changing events, because we were there in the second half of the last century, before we came down to the earth to the present incarnation. But we have forgotten that we came down with the most intimate spiritual dedication and resolution, to awaken these mighty events in our earthly consciousness and actualize them here and now on the earth- the sun becoming Earth, the etheric earthly-human sun that we ourselves have prepared. We said to ourselves in the etheric world during the 30-4-and 50 of last century (and the younger among us, also later): we must strive to remember on the earth, at the end of the 20thcentury and the beginning of the 21stcentury, what we all did together after the death of Rudolf Steiner in the service of the supersensible school of Michael in the etheric world, in the all-embracing, great earth-and humanity saving operation during the apocalypse of the 20th century during 1933-45. We must now awaken from our deep spiritual sleep, we must remember it, feel it, see and hear, touch and taste it, and begin to accomplish it on the earth in fully awakened, sober, intensive, daily spiritual consciousness. Because this will become the foundation of the new spiritual school of Michael and his new spiritual movement on the earth in this century!