Since the end of the last century, and with great intensity since 2017-2019, Michael is searching for souls who passionately desire to mobilize the necessary forces of courage and enthusiasm, to work together on this etheric sun building process, the star becoming of the earth.

The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity

From Lecture 2: The Incarnation of the etheric Earthly-Human Sun in the Twenty-first Century

 Dear friends,

In this lecture I am sharing not only what I can say with my physical words, but more what I wish to share from my innermost soul and heart. What is un/spoken tacitly, etherically, during the lectures is of far greater importance, but it is audible only to our etheric ears of our etheric hearts! This etheric substance is gathered and composed from that stream of life forces that we may experience in the graceful days that we are allowed to celebrate here in Sweden. In my soul, I experience them being irradiated and suffused with a warm glow of gentle light, that kindly invites and encourages me to continue to share more from the same living source.

 What I share here presupposes the greatest trust in the way it will be received and used by you, dear friends. It must not be read and reflected upon, or ‘discussed’ as people do in ordinary readings and discussions. It must be really celebrated, creatively warmed up in our hearts, to become again what it was before it was submitted to the physical larynx, airborne sound waves, and the dead printed letter. I trust all of you, therefore, with this sacred substance, because I know that you will handle it with the greatest responsibility, sensitivity and care, and that you will make sure that before you start to share it together, you will first of all meet each other with the feelings of human warmth, devotion, reverence and real companionship. Remind yourself again, that only what is coming to life in our intimate meetings, when we are awakened to our true humanity, makes it possible to share the deeper mysteries of the present Michaelic age, that we are allowed to communicate today on the earth.

 With these feelings and thoughts, I would now dare to continue my physical and etheric words, and let this substance stream forth into the loving and light-filled physical and etheric atmosphere provided by the Nordic Spirit, our guardian in the North, being assured by knowing that it will be received immediately by living human hearts, by truly embodied souls and spirits, that will protect and foster and nourish it in their souls, and bring it to life again in their living meetings with each other.

 In the morning of 30 December 1923, in the Glasshouse, one day before the conclusion of the Christmas Foundation Conference, Rudolf Steiner spoke in this way for the first—and last time—about the role of human spiritual activity in the formation of the earth as a star in the cosmos. World karma caused it that Rudolf Steiner couldn’t continue to elaborate on this central mystery of the present Michaelic age. Rudolf Steiner spoke again about some aspects of this mystery, as part of his very last words on earth, to the priests of the Christian Community in September 1924, as the triple mystery of Michael, the Beast and the etheric Christ, saying that the appearance of the etheric Christ must occur together with the appear- ance of the greatest evil, because the Beast will raise its head from the abyss in 1933. In these words, as in all his words during 1924-5, he was sowing the smallest, yet infinitely powerful seed, of this coming event, ten years before it started in 1933. Today this seed must come to full frui- tion in well-prepared etheric human hearts on the earth.

Rudolf Steiner described the building of the earthly-human sun, as a creation of the spiritual activity of human beings, as follows:

“Humans are losing the power of is led to a new form of knowl- edge if one begins to experience the earth as a star—as a star among stars... So, the task is to take over the earth anew by our thinking, feeling and will- ing...You must be conscious of the fact that your thinking, feeling, willing are not there only for you, but for the whole cosmos, that it radiates out, shines and lights up in the expanses of the world. For a being living on another star, the earth becomes visible through your thinking, feeling and willing. But also, the evil that humans are thinking, feeling and willing streams out into the cosmos. It is still visible in the starry space after millions of years...

In the rays lives my willing—because goodness radiates from a star;

In the shine lives my feeling—because love shines on a star;

In the atmosphere lives my thinking—because light works in the star;

In the weight lives my touching—because density builds a star. (116)

 I described some practical aspects of this creative human work in the sixth chapter of The New Experience of the Supersensible, entitled ‘The Creation of the new Earth and Heaven of the Earthly-Human Sun’. When I wrote this chapter, I wanted to demonstrate that the forces created in the transforma- tion of thinking, feeling, will and sense perception—described in the pre- vious chapters—can be used in the objective planetary formative forces of the sun-becoming process of the earth.117 If you read the book as a whole, you will realize that this could be grasped and elaborated at the end of the last century because one could experience the etheric Christ as the sun spirit of the earth, and this experience could lead one to experience some of the more concrete aspects of this earthly-sun formation through human forces. If you keep this in mind, you will also understand in which sense this book as a whole, and Chapter six as part of it, came into being. In addi- tion, you will be able to feel that you are not mere readers and spectators, but active and creative co-creators in the earthly-human sun creation, if you take to heart, for example, the following words of Rudolf Steiner:

“Spiritual science shows us how we could feel ourselves as members of the whole Earth life; spiritual science shows us that the Christ is the Spirit of the Earth! Our fingers, our teeth, our nose, all our organs are supplied with blood from the heart. Without a central organ they would not exist, because without a heart their existence is impossible. And Anthroposophy shows man that what the heart is for the organism the Christ is for the Earth body. And just as the blood supplies the whole body with life and power through the heart, so must the being of the Christ flow through all single human beings so that for them the words of Paul must come true: not I, but the Christ in me! The Christ must stream forth into all human hearts”. (118)

 This experience was at the centre of my inner life during the late 1980s and beginning of the 90s, when I was writing down my The New Experience of the Supersensible. Now as a consequence of this work, something else came about. It became possible—this is really something that came out of the whole previous activity of anthroposophical knowledge—to experience consciously what actually took place in the etheric planetary and cosmic event of 1933-45. You can also say that it came about as a kind of fruit of the whole work, and I experienced it in this way, that when the work on The New Experience of the Supersensible was essentially completed in 1990, this inspired Imagination lit up, becoming increasingly visible and I could begin to follow and trace its etheric footsteps in the time-stream of the twentieth century.

 Since the end of the last century, and with greatest intensity since 2017-2019, Michael is searching for souls who passionately desire to mobilize the necessary forces of courage and enthusiasm, to work together on this etheric sun building process, the star becoming of the earth, through the conscious activity of the forces of human thinking, feeling, willing and sense perception. The Christ, the sublime cosmic sun being, is the being of the new earth star, the body, life, soul, spirit and self, of the new earthly-human sun. This is the first real fulfilment of what Rudolf Steiner could only indicate in few last words to the youth circle a century ago. Since the end of the last century and the beginning of the present century, the fully conscious building process of this earthly-human sun could begin to be practically realized in the building of the new Michaelic school, community and movement. As sun builders, we must feel ourselves, dear friends, when we come together to build our community, as earthly-sun builders of the earthly-sun temple of humanity!

The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity

The History of the Michaelic Movement since the Death of Rudolf Steiner

An Esoteric Study